Where We Now Stand, 2020, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, Photo: Keizo Kioku
Using the invisible energies contained in physical phenomena such as magnetic power, gravity, the movement of air, and light, Yuko Mohri explores the relationships between things as well as the relationships between the myriad elements that surround a work, the integrated environment, and the viewer who comes face-to-face with them. copula is based on the contact between two spoons in the center of the piece, which causes a wheel to turn, a lamp to flicker, and a feather duster at the bottom to move. The configuration of pipes recalls various forms of energy and eternity as they relate to vortexes or helixes, such as a spiral staircase, snail shell or coil.
As the original Latin term copula, meaning “connection,” suggests, a wide range of elements, including the objects,
the viewer and the work, and the work and the surrounding environment, are linked by invisible forces. By visualizing these relationships, Mohri provides us with new realizations, and encourages us to take notice of various relationships in the world in which we live.
Exhibition history: Where We Now Stand: In Order to Map the Future
Photo: Keizo Kioku
Photo: Keizo Kioku
Photo: Keizo Kioku
Photo: Keizo Kioku